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Author Archive

Commercial Shoot: ZMI Heist

May 6, 2024

It’s been an absolute pleasure working with Audacious Studious again. ZMI is a new software and I played a bank accountant called Mrs. Speck. Dir: Julia-Maria Arnolds and Oriana Gordon.

Stage: Platypus Theatre

April 22, 2024

I am still performing in German and English in ‘Money Matters’ and ‘Top Card Camilla’ for Platypus Theatre.

ZDF ‘Young Crime’

April 4, 2024

I have just finished filming the guest lead in an episode for German TV series ‘Young Crime’ for ZDF. Dir: Birgit Tanner. Production: ITV Studios Germany, Imago TV. Airing in October.

Trailer: ‘mum’

March 6, 2024

‘mum’ by Julia Patey in which I am starring in will premiere at the Canadian Film Fest on 24th March 2024. Watch the trailer HERE.

Commercial Shoot: Bifi Carazza

February 28, 2024

I played the lead role in a commercial for Bifi Carazza. Dir: Lars Timmermann, Production: 5ter Stock Medienproduktion GmbH.

Stage: The Woman You Want Does Not Exist

February 14, 2024

The Monstress Mess production ‘The woman you want does not exist’ will be shown again this year. Stay tuned! In the meantime you can watch our trailer HERE.

Happy New Year!

January 31, 2024

I took some time off to recharge my batteries and I came back full speed – I travelled down to Saarbrücken to watch fantastic films at the Max Ophüls Film Festival, met some very inspiring people and will definitely return. Thank you.

BFFS Member

November 22, 2023

I have finally become a member of the BFFS! Want to know more? Click HERE.

Ixme Aydiho Agency

November 14, 2023

For commercial work I am now also represented by Ixme Aydiho. Looking forward to working with these lovely bunch of people.

Theatre: The Woman You Want Does Not Exist

October 24, 2023

I have written a play! Together with my dear colleague Dawn Robinson. ‘The Woman You Want Does Not Exist’ is a new feminist retelling of the myths that are Medea and Joan of Arc. They look at their stories and connect in the maelstrom of different narratives. They question themselves, their deeds, their identities and at the same time everything around them, the social constructs we live in and accept as reality. Where do these actually come from? Who created the constructs, with all their stereotypes? And who benefits from them? Premiere: 19.10.2023, Brotfabrik Berlin. Text/Performance: Dawn Robinson, Carolin Ott. Regie: Rebecca Scott. Further dates announced soon.
